7 Ways to Increase Market Share

Want to increase your share of the market? Here are 7 tips.


Communicate Your Value

Your value is obvious to you, but not necessarily to your customers. You need to spell it out, clearly and often. Everyone in your organization needs to be crystal clear on the value you add and communicate it at every opportunity


Play to Your Strengths

Don’t try to be everything to every customer. It works for a while, but you’ll eventually get stretched too thin and risk disappointing customers


Go the Extra Mile

In your focus areas, continually look for opportunities to exceed expectation.


Sell Solutions, Not Equipment

Your customers don’t buy equipment – they buy printed documents, safe data, productive employees, etc.


Tier Your Solutions

To combat choice/analysis paralysis, give customers a few well-defined options: basic, step-up and premium. Offer those tiers with one monthly payment each, instead of breaking out costs and billing separately


Keep Payment Simple

One solution, one monthly payment. Customers should never have to pay separately for any aspect of their solution. Having to do so disrupts the integrated experience that’s so important to your success


Make Your Solutions Complete – and Unique

Bundling equipment, supplies and software is a great first step, but most of your competitors can do that too. Go further: add customized solution design. Maintenance. White-glove support. End-of-life equipment removal or replacement. Create a tightly integrated solution your customers can’t get anywhere else

Promote Your Value, Increase Your Market Share

Rising competition is a fact of business. But so is your unique value as a dealer. Take control of the sales conversation and increase your market share by leveraging your position as an indispensable part of the solutions you provide.

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