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“There! My business phone system is finished for all time!” Said no one ever. Business phone systems are always a work in progress. Yet too many telecom salespeople sell as if a phone system purchase is a singular event, an isolated transaction, rather than a point on a continuum. But the phone system you need right this minute is probably not the phone system you’ll need in six months, or a year or two years. That’s why it makes so much sense to offer ongoing phone system master leases created by a leasing company that knows the business: the customer gets an easy way to keep pace with changing telephony needs, without having to dip into cash or existing credit lines. And you get a customer who views you as a trusted solution provider—a provider they’ll rely on heavily—rather than one vendor out of dozens of others just like you.

To discuss more ways financing can help you drive bigger sales that close faster, fill out the form below, and a dedicated LEAF Account Champion will contact you shortly.